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The degree of blessing we receive from God is largely up to us. God wants His blessings to overtake us in every situation, but for this to happen, His Word must be first place in our lives. We must not only hear the Word but delight in it. Appreciating the Word and being thrilled with it is a necessity! When the Word thrills you, it will work for you.

God wants His Word planted deep in our hearts so that we will walk in the light of it and experience His many blessings. This process is known as revelation of God’s Word. For the Word to work for us, it must be engrafted in us. People say they believe the Word but they have not become one with it. Meditation is that process of getting from information to revelation, from head knowledge to heart knowledge. When revelation “hits” your spirit, everything changes. What you see changes, what you think changes, and the words you speak change. God’s Word becomes a different book.

Some people don’t like changing the way they think and feel about things. Their minds are like cement – thoroughly mixed and well set. But what they think becomes unimportant in the light of what God thinks. Just like a new recruit arriving at basic training, he or she quickly discovers that their opinion really doesn’t matter. During this time of their military service, they learn a whole new way of thinking.

As children of God, our minds must be renewed so that we do not “lean unto our own understanding” (Prov. 3:5) but we “let this mind be in us that was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5). Renewing our mind to God’s Word is an ongoing practice throughout life. It takes time and effort, but it is something we must do if we want to walk in the blessings of God.

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